Sa - Su

XTERRA New Jersey is an exciting off-road sports event taking place in Wawayanda State Park, New Jersey. Scheduled for May 3-4, 2025, it is part of the XTERRA World Tour and features a variety of races, including off-road triathlons, duathlons, and trail runs. Participants can choose from multiple distances and formats, such as a full-distance triathlon, sprint triathlon, and various trail runs.

The event showcases the park's beautiful trails and lake, providing a thrilling experience for outdoor enthusiasts. Registration is available online, and participants are encouraged to secure their spots early. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
42 km
Trail Marathon
21 km
Trail Half Marathon
10 km
10k Trail Run
5 km
5k Trail Run
Gravel Bike Quarter Marathon
Mtb Half Marathon
Mtb Marathon
Paddle Triathlon
Sprint Triathlon
Full Distance Triathlon
Gravel Bike Half Marathon

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